Friday 11 May 2012

Character Set

Character Set: 
The characters that can be used to form words, numbers and expressions depend upon the computer on which the program is run. However, a subset of characters is available that can be used on most personal, micro, mini and mainframe computers. The characters in C are grouped into the following categories:
1. Letters
2. Digits
3. Special characters
4. White spaces
The entire character set is given in Table .
The compiler ignores white spaces unless they are a part of a string constant. White spaces may h, used to separate words, but are prohibited between the characters of keywords and identifiers.

Character Set

Trigraph Characters:
Many non-English keyboards do not support all the characters mentioned in Table . Trigraph- sequences to provide a way to enter certain characters that are not available on some keyboards. Each trigraph sequence consists of three characters (two question marks followed by another character) as shown in Table .

Trigraph Characters

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